AJ Fernandez Pinolero Event Only Figurado
It’s well known that the Cuban-born tobacco man known as AJ Fernandez doesn’t really ever miss. His leaf is good, his blends are great, and his reputation is quickly approaching legendary. And so when one of his blends goes away, everyone gets a little sad. When he brings one back, it’s like the sun has come out again, and we all stretch out like green tobacco leaves to drink in the glory.
Case in point: the AJ Fernandez Pinolero.
Pinolero was a popular blend for AJ years ago and was for many fans a favorite. It ultimately went the way of the dodo and was replaced by at least three dozen other fantastic smokers from Mr. Fernandez, either under his own label or for somebody else’s. He’s collaborated with a huge variety of brands, from boutiques to behemoths, so there’s no shortage of AJ smoke on the market.
But if you loved Pinolero, you can now once more bathe in sultry clouds of it.
This Nicaraguan puro is made with a wrapper that once was called “pinolero habano,” which essentially means Nicaraguan habano. The locals often call themselves “pinoleros” as a type of slang term, so there you have it. The cigar smoked up strong and flavorful, sending many reviewers into religious ecstasy over how much the blend had going on in it. Nuts, cocoa, pepper, caramel, and cream… flavors are always shifting and developing this way and that. AJ did good work on this one, and you can taste the artfulness that went into putting together the leaf mixture.
This stick once was exclusive to AJ events, but now is more broadly available. And there has been much rejoicing.
Gracias, pinoleros. This is some good smoke!
Please browse our selection of AJ Fernandez Pinolero cigars at your leisure.
• What are the flavors like?
o Nuts, cocoa, pepper, caramel
• What’s the strength level?
o Medium-full
• Who is this cigar for?
o AJ Fernandez Pinolero cigars are for people who want that exclusive event-only flavor.
• Will I want to smoke it to the nub?
o Ya.
• What’s a good pairing with it?
o Since we can’t get our hands on a sixer of Toña Nicaraguan beer, grab something really simple, like Sam Adams Wicked Easy lager.
• What’s the best time/place to smoke this cigar?
o When you want to pretend you’re at an industry event and you’re scoring some sticks from the hands of AJ himself.
• Any flaws/downsides?
o No, these are quite fine.